Getting to speak with the people who are at the top was incredibly useful to understand first hand what is going on. It does however still seem to be very much in it's infancy stages even though the Act is due to come into force in under 6 months!
It was announced at the conference that the Welsh Assembly are now looking at a further extension of the grace period from implementing The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 to enforcement from 6 months to one year. T
In the next few weeks other providers of the one day training be announced too, some who can hopefully offer online training for those who cant travel or are not living in Wales, a concern I addressed with Anne Rowlands and David Cox.
We will be publishing who the other accredited training providers will be in our next newsletter.
If you missed last months newsletter, a link for it is here
To read the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 Bill on the Welsh Assembly Governments website - click here